Celebrate CB 2023

The theme for the week was “Magical Moments.” We kicked the week off Monday with a proclamation from Mayor Matt Walsh, naming the week of May 8th-12th Celebrate CB Week.

Tuesday’s Clean Sweep, sponsored by Cox, kept our volunteers and the mayor busy. Over 300 community volunteers picked up over 1,400 pounds of trash around the city. Volunteers were invited to Bayliss Park after Clean Sweep to enjoy a cookout sponsored by HGM and Associates. The mayor and city council members were kind enough to do the cooking.

A Scavenger Hunt, sponsored by Iowa West Foundation, was a weeklong adventure for the whole family. Ten locations around the city were trackable by an app. Participants were awarded a badge for each spot found through the app and entered into a prize drawing.

Thursday was a busy day with Farmers Market and the kickoff to the carnival.

On Saturday, thousands of guests lined Pearl and South Main streets to watch dozens of community floats in the annual parade. Wilson Middle School took the top prize for their entries.

Parade Grand Marshals were 6 coaches from IWCC who earned National Championships this year!

Adam Sanchez – Women’s Soccer

Scott Strohmeier – Football

Ian Alumbaugh – Esports

Raven Gau – Cheer

Michaela Patterson – Dance

Derek Pollock – Shotgun Sports

Their efforts earned them $300 and the traveling squirrel trophy. Free kids activities in Bayliss Park were available after the parade.





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