Our nonprofit is in need of stories to assist with the historical nomination of 12 Scott St, the former home of Northwestern Bell Telephone Company.

This building was once the hub of telecommunications in Council Bluffs. From 1904, when it was built, to 1976 it was used as a telephone exchange building. This means that the building housed the service center that was responsible for switching or connecting phone lines for the area, and was a very important building during the time.

Most recently before being purchased by our organization in 2018, 12 Scott St housed offices for Council Bluffs Community Schools.

We are seeking stories from community members who worked in the Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. office. These stories will help our work to preserve the historic significance of the building.

If you have any information, please contact The 712 Initiative at info@the712initiative.org or 712-396-2471.


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