Coming Soon
  • Thursdays, May - September
  • 1st Avenue & Bayliss Park
Farmers Market Council Bluffs is presented by CHI Health Mercy Council Bluffs

Shop, eat, and play all summer!

Come check out Farmers Market Council Bluffs, now in it’s 15th season! Located in Bayliss Park, the farmers market showcases both seasonal and weekly vendors every Thursday evening from 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm. The farmers market also includes wellness activities sponsored by All Care Health Center. Have kids? Not a problem! Along with plenty to do for the adults, there are weekly activities to entertain the kids, sponsored by First Interstate Bank.

Applications for the 2025 FMCB

Meet Frankie​

2024 Highlights

Ken's Eggs IMG 9985 Sweet Petite
IMG 8326 Junge Produce Makk's Creations and Salsa
IMG 8336 IMG 8311 MinDee's Nuts
IMG 8323 IMG 8299 IMG 8295


Thanks to these businesses for their generosity and support:

CHIH IMC 4C                

ACHC 25th Full Color Anniversary Logo Smith Davis Insurance Logo 1 First Interstate Bank

Vendor Information

All Farmers Market Council Bluffs vendors need to file with the state for a sales tax permit.

All other permits are based on the vendor and products being sold. See here for some general guidance. General craft vendors do not need a permit. All food vendors need a permit except baked goods, honey, and eggs.

Vendor Training

Many of you have requested information about training for FMNP vendors. The vendor training information can be found by following the link below and clicking on “FMNP Training Schedule”.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Are the sales of fruits and vegetables taxable?

A. No. Fruits and vegetables sold for human consumption are exempt from tax. Pumpkins are exempt regardless of their use.

Q. Are the sales of vegetable seeds, plants, and fruit trees subject to sales tax?

A. If your customer will be consuming the produce from the seeds, plants, or trees, the sale is taxable. If the produce from the seeds, plants, or trees are grown by a commercial produce grower or truck gardener primarily for resale, then the sales of seeds, plants, or trees that produce food are exempt.

Taxable Prepared Foods

“Prepared food” means any of the following:

  • Food sold in a heated state or heated by the seller, including food sold by a caterer.
  • Two or more food ingredients mixed or combined by the seller for sale as a single item.
  • Food sold with eating utensils provided by the seller, including plates, knives, forks, spoons, glasses, cups, napkins, or straws.

Exempt Prepared Foods

“Prepared food” does not include the following. These items are exempt from sales tax:

  • Food that is only sliced by the seller
  • Food that is only repackaged by the seller
  • Bakery items sold by the seller that baked them

Food sold in an unheated state as a single item without eating utensils provided by the seller which is priced by weight or volume

Parking for visitors & vendors

Farmers Market Council Bluffs Vendor

There are several options for parking when visiting FMCB.  You can use any of the on street parking that surrounds our market, keep in mind the parking meters are FREE after 5pm. FMCB has a strong partnership with the First Congregational Church, the church lets us use their parking lot that is on 6th Street for FMCB patrons.  Lastly, there are also several unused lots adjacent to Bayliss Park. Find a spot, visit the market & have a great time!!


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